July 16, 2012

The Withington Water Tower.

My friends in Crowle will remember me as a quiet, well behaved, disciplined young man of Methodist extraction, even a bit of a drip. Which shows the advantage of the anonymity of the big city university. They still cannot understand how I managed to acquire my wife. If you think they would be interested you can post this which I recently did for our Aluni […]

July 16, 2012

Post from Bill Goldthorp

Some years ago I read an annual report of the Crowle Urban District Council which included the report of the Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bertie Alexander. A local GP he would have been part time. I would be interested to know if anyone still possesses any of these old annual reports. Crowle UDC started in 1896 and finished when replaced by Epworth and District […]

April 16, 2012

Pre-enclosure Close Names

The 1738 Manorial Plan and survey includes a list of all the closes and who owned them. Many of the closes have interesting names. Although the formal enclosure of the commons and open fields did not take place until the early 19th century there were a large number on enclosed fields. The enclosure plan refers to these as the Ancient Enclosures. The 1738 manorial plan and survey shows these enclosures. […]

April 14, 2012

Pre-Enclosure Field Names in Crowle and Ealand

High Breaking Whong and Caugars are but two of the names given to areas of land in the Manorial Plan and Survey of 1738. The 1738 Manorial Plan and Survey give an excellent insight into the fields at Crowle pre-enclosure. The open field system had been the method of farming since medieval times. The large open fields were split up into strip which were farmed […]

April 9, 2012

An Account of the Stints of Croul Commons

Fromw the survey of Crowle Manor 1738 – Lincoln Archives CM 8/12 An Account of the Stints of Croul Commons The Yorkshire Common, North End Common, Marsh Common, Nuthill Common, are those which are called the Cow Commons or Stinted Commons and are stocked by the several persons that inhabit the Common Right Houses, which are Explained in the forgoing survey. Notwithstanding many of the […]

April 9, 2012

The bounder of the whole Lordship of Croule

From the Manorial Survey 1738 – Lincoln Archives CM 8/12 Extracted from the survey taken for the Citizens of London then owners of the Lordship, Michaelmas 1629 The bounder of the whole Lordship of Croule Beginning at Durtness Wash and down Callen Dyke to the Ellers in Star Car, From the Ellers in Star Car to the Hurst Sike, From the Hurst Sike to the […]

March 15, 2012

Extract of the grant of Crowle Manor to the Earl of Kingston, 14th Nov 1634

Transcribed from a loose sheet at the front of the 1738 Survey of the Manor of Crowle at Lincoln Archives Catalogue reference  CM/8/12 Extract of the grant of Crowle Manor to the Earl of Kingston, 14th Nov 1634 All that the Manor of Crowle in the sayd County of Lincolne with all and singular the rights members and appurtaeynances thereof. And all Lands Tenements Rents […]

March 10, 2012

The Stovin Manuscript

http://www.archive.org/stream/yorkshirearchae16socigoog#page/n9/mode/2up The Yorkshire Arcaeological and Topographical Journal VOL. VII. 1882 THE STOVIN MANUSCRIPT. Communicated by CHARLES JACKSON, Doncaster. George Stovin, the writer of the manuscript of which the following notices are presented in these pages, was the eldest son of James Stovin, esq., of Tetley, in the parish of Crowle, in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, and was born about 1695 or 1696. Before the death of his father in 1735, […]

March 9, 2012

A Letter from Mr. G. Stovin to his Son concerning the Body of a Woman, and an antique Shoe, found in a Morass in the Isle of Axholme in Lincolnshire.

http://rstl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/44/478-484/571.full.pdf+html Phil. Trans. 1746-1747 44, 571-575 (January 1, 1753)   THE Beginning of June laft, a labouring Man, of Amcotts in the Isle ofAxholme, in the County of Lincoln was digging Turf or Peat in the Moors of Amcotts and, at about six Foot from the Surface, his Spade cut the Toe of a Sandal, which dropped into the pit he was graveing Peat in […]

March 6, 2012

Will of Cornelius Peacock

I Cornelius Peacock of Crowle in the County of Lincoln, merchat, hereby revoking all other wills …   … my only son Thomas Peacock should   Mr William Charles Haslewood Mr Thomas Brumby of Retford