March 15, 2012

Extract of the grant of Crowle Manor to the Earl of Kingston, 14th Nov 1634

By Angus Townley

Transcribed from a loose sheet at the front of the 1738 Survey of the Manor of Crowle at Lincoln Archives Catalogue reference  CM/8/12

Extract of the grant of Crowle Manor to the Earl of Kingston, 14th Nov 1634

All that the Manor of Crowle in the sayd County of Lincolne with all and singular the rights members and appurtaeynances thereof. And all Lands Tenements Rents & Hereditaments whatsoever in the aforesayd County of Lincolne called or knowne by the name of the mannor or  mannors of Luddington and Eastoft And also all those Rents of Assize of the free Tenaments in Butterwick in the sayd County of Lincolne amounting to three pounds three shillings and eight pence per annum. And also all those rents of assize of the free Tenaments in Luddington and Eastoft aforesayd amounting to eleven pounds nyne shillings and sixpence per annum And also those rents of assize of customary Tenants in Crowle aforesayd amounting to twenty nyne pounds ten shillings two pence and one farthing per annum And also those rents of assize of customary Tenants in woodhouse on the sayd County of Lincolne amounting to Fower Pounds fowerteen shillings and eight pence per annum And also all those rents of assize of customary Tenants in Garthorpe in the Sayd County of Lincolne aounting to thirty fower pounds two shillings two pence and one farthing per annum And also all those rents of assize of customary tenants in Luddington and Eastoft aforesayd amounting to thirty three Pounds Seaven shillings and one half penny per annum And all that messuage with appurteynances in Butterwicke aforesayd now or late in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Whittingham or his Assignes of teh yearly Rent or value of three shillings and fower pence And also all those Lands and Pastures in Butterwicke aforesayd

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aforesayd with the Appurteynances now or late in the tenure or occupation of John Longbotham or is Assignes  of the yearly Rent or value of tenn shillings And also all that seyte of the manor of Crowle aforesayd and all buildings barnes stables and gardens to the same beonging  And all that one moore and all    those two acres of Land lying in the Alcham Carre called the Kitchen Carre there with appurteynances nowe or late in the occupation of Roger Tildesley or his assignes of the yearely rent or value of tenn shillings And also all those arrable Lands in Crowle aforesayd called the Balland conteyning by estimation three score and ten acres And all that Close there called the Redcarre conteyning by esstimation three score and eight acres And all that close called Swallowhirne there with appurteynances of the yearly Rent or value of three Poundstenn shillings and fower pence And also all that messuage and Tenement called the Leame neere Crowle aforesayd and all Houses and Building to the same belonging And all those seaven acres of meadowe near Leame hedge called Parrockes And all those closes called Crame Close Angarst close Rye Close Sand Close and West Carre And all those two Hemp Garthes And all those the tythes of  Hay from milne dike to Leame Hedge  And all Comons Meadowes Pastures Moores woode underwoode and other Profitts and Comodityes whatsoever to the same belonging late in the tenure or occupation of Nicholas Crosier or his assignes of the yearely Rent or value of fower pounds six shillings and eight pence And also all the marsh or Pasture there called Alcham Carre within the mannor of Crowle aforesayd with the apputennaces now or late in the tenure or occupation of Henry Savile Knyght or his assignes of the yearely rent or value of tenn shillings And also all that messuage and one oxgange of land with the apputeynances in Garthorpe Parcel of the mannor of Crowle aforesayd now or late in the tenure or occupayion of William Kiddall or his assignes of the yearly rent or value of thirty shillings And also all

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all that Piece of pasture called Raynsbut lying and being in Eastoft and Crowle aforesayd or in one of them of the yearly rent or value of siz shillings and eight pence And also all those woods and underwoods and woodgrounds xalled or knowne by the name or names of Mossewood Cutlehall Crowlehall and Crowlewoods in the Isle of Axholme and all the soyle or ground of the same woods and underwoods And all Profits Commodityes and Emoluments of teh same comeing growing or arising now or late in the tenure or occupation of Thomas St Poole Kn’ or his assignes of the tearely rent or value of eight pounds and tenn shillings And also all that wood in Crowle aforesayd called Overwath Wood late in the tenure or occupation  of Roger Tildesley or his assignes or the yearely rent or value of thirty shillings And also all and singular Perquisites of Courts of the sayd mannors of Crowle Luddington and Eastofte And all and singular Farmes messuages Cottages Mylle Houses Edifices Buyldings Barnes Stables Dove Houses Orchyards Gardens Tofts Curtilages Lands Tenements Ponds Pooles Meadowes Fieldings Pastures Seasures Commons Demeasne Lands Customary Lands Gleab Lands ………………………. moores marshes way voyd grounds pathes Easements Woods Underwoods Coppicewoods Wood grounds and Trees – whatsoever And all the Land Soyle and Ground of the same woods Underwoods and dTrees Tythes of Sheaves Corne Grayne and Hay Wooll Flax Hemp and Lambes and all other Tythes whatsoever as well greater or lesser and also all Oblacons Obveneons Fruyts Profits Commodityes Banks Rivers Waters Watercourses Fishings Piscarres Fowlings Huntings Treefaldage Turbaryes hiyles soks multures free warrens mynes Quarryes Pencons Porcons Rents Revenues Y Services as wll of free as customary Tenants yearly works or Tenant Rents Rents of encrease Farme Rents fee Fermes ….. nuntyes Escheats Beliefes Heriotts Fynes Amercyrnts Rents certen Common Fynes Courts Leets and Views of Frank pledge Hundred Courts Perquisites and Profits of Courts and Leets and all Things which to Courts hundred Courts Leetsand Views of Frankpledge doo belongor hereafter may or ought to belong Goods and Chattells wayved Goods and Chattels of Felons as well of them selves as of other Felons Fugitives Outlawes Persons attaynted condemned and put in exigent estrayes Deo dands natives and villeynes with their sequells estovers

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=vers and comon of Estovers Faires and marketts Y fines of Fayres and marketts Courts of Pipowder Hallage Tolles Customes Picage Emoluments Immunityes aaquyttances and hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular their rights members and appurteynancesof what kynd nature or species soever they bee or by what names soever they bee knowne called reputed or named seytuate lying and being comeing growing renewing happening or arisingin or within the Lordships or mannors Townes Places Fields Parishes or Hamletts aforesayd or in or within any of them or elswhere soever to the aforesayd Lordshipps or mannors messauges Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and other the Premises by these presents before granted or mentioned to bee graunted or to any of them or to any Part or Parcell thereof in any wise belonging perteyning incident appendant or incumbent or as member Part or Parcell of the same Lordshipps or mannors Lands Tenements Hereditaments and other the the Premises by these Presents befpre graunted or mentioned to be graunted or of any of them heretofore knowne accepted occupied lett settdemised or reputed And aslo ………………….. maynders whatsoever & c. & c.



My modern summary

Extract of the grant of Crowle Manor to the Earl of Kingston, 14th Nov 1634

All the Manor of Crowle in Lincolnshire including all  rights and attachments

All Lands Tenements Rents & Hereditaments whatsoever in the Manors of Luddingtin & Eastoft, Lincolnshire

All Rents of Assize of the free Tenaments in Butterwick, Lincolnshire £3/3/8 per annum.

All rents of assize of the free Tenaments in Luddington and Eastoft £11/9/6 per annum

All rents of assize of customary Tenants in Crowle £20/10/2 annum

All rents of assize of customary Tenants in Woodhouse, Lincolnshire £4/14/8 per annum

All rents of assize of customary Tenants in Garthorpe, Lincolnshire £34/2/2 peer annum

All rents of assize of customary tenants in Luddington and Eastoft  £33/7/ 1/2 per annum

The messuage with appurteynances in Butterwick,  occupied by Thomas Whittingham  at an annual rent of 3/4

Lands and Pastures in Butterwick with the Appurteynances occupied by John Longbotham at an annual rent of 10/=

Seat of the manor of Crowle including all buildings, barns, stables and gardens. Including one moor and two acres of land lying in the Alcham Carr called the Kitchen Carre there with appurteynances occupied by  Roger Tildesley at an annual rent of 10/=

Arable Lands in Crowle called the Balland 70 acres in size

Close called the Redcarre 68 acres in size

Close called Swallowhirne

Annual rent of £3/10/4

Messuage and Tenement called the Leame near Crowlincluding all Houses and Buildings

Seven acres meadowenear Leame hedge called Parrockes

Closes called Crame Close, Angarst close, Rye Close, Sand Close and West Carre

Two Hemp Garthes

Tythes of  Hay from milne dike to Leame Hedge  And all Common,s Meadows Pastures, Moors, Woods,  underwood and other Profits and Comodityes whatsoever to the same.

Occupied by Nicholas Crosier at annual rent of £4/6/8

Marsh or Pasture called Alcham Carre at Crowle with the apputennances

Occupied by Henry Savile Knyghtat annual rent of 10/=

Messuage and one oxgange of land with the apputeynances in Garthorpe parcel of Crowle Manor

Occupied by William Kiddall at annual rent of 30/=

Pasture called Raynsbut being in both Eastoft and Crowle

Annual rent 6/8

Woods and underwoods and woodgrounds called Mossewood, Cutlehall, Crowlehall and Crowlewoods in the Isle of Axholme including the ground of these woods and underwoods, and all Profits Commodityes and Emoluments of the same comeing growing or arising.

Occupied by Thomas St Poole Kn’

Annual rent £8/10/=

Overwath Wood in Crowle

Occupied by Roger Tildesley o

Annual rent 30/=


[Still to finish!]

And also all and singular Perquisites of Courts of the sayd mannors of Crowle Luddington and Eastofte And all and singular Farmes messuages Cottages Mylle Houses Edifices Buyldings Barnes Stables Dove Houses Orchyards Gardens Tofts Curtilages Lands Tenements Ponds Pooles Meadowes Fieldings Pastures Seasures Commons Demeasne Lands Customary Lands Gleab Lands ………………………. moores marshes way voyd grounds pathes Easements Woods Underwoods Coppicewoods Wood grounds and Trees – whatsoever And all the Land Soyle and Ground of the same woods Underwoods and dTrees Tythes of Sheaves Corne Grayne and Hay Wooll Flax Hemp and Lambes and all other Tythes whatsoever as well greater or lesser and also all Oblacons Obveneons Fruyts Profits Commodityes Banks Rivers Waters Watercourses Fishings Piscarres Fowlings Huntings Treefaldage Turbaryes hiyles soks multures free warrens mynes Quarryes Pencons Porcons Rents Revenues Y Services as wll of free as customary Tenants yearly works or Tenant Rents Rents of encrease Farme Rents fee Fermes ….. nuntyes Escheats Beliefes Heriotts Fynes Amercyrnts Rents certen Common Fynes Courts Leets and Views of Frank pledge Hundred Courts Perquisites and Profits of Courts and Leets and all Things which to Courts hundred Courts Leetsand Views of Frankpledge doo belongor hereafter may or ought to belong Goods and Chattells wayved Goods and Chattels of Felons as well of them selves as of other Felons Fugitives Outlawes Persons attaynted condemned and put in exigent estrayes Deo dands natives and villeynes with their sequells estovers

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=vers and comon of Estovers Faires and marketts Y fines of Fayres and marketts Courts of Pipowder Hallage Tolles Customes Picage Emoluments Immunityes aaquyttances and hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular their rights members and appurteynancesof what kynd nature or species soever they bee or by what names soever they bee knowne called reputed or named seytuate lying and being comeing growing renewing happening or arisingin or within the Lordships or mannors Townes Places Fields Parishes or Hamletts aforesayd or in or within any of them or elswhere soever to the aforesayd Lordshipps or mannors messauges Lands Tenements and Hereditaments and other the Premises by these presents before granted or mentioned to bee graunted or to any of them or to any Part or Parcell thereof in any wise belonging perteyning incident appendant or incumbent or as member Part or Parcell of the same Lordshipps or mannors Lands Tenements Hereditaments and other the the Premises by these Presents befpre graunted or mentioned to be graunted or of any of them heretofore knowne accepted occupied lett settdemised or reputed And aslo ………………….. maynders whatsoever & c. & c.