January 20, 2013

Isle of Axholme & Marshland Brewery, Brewery Road – James Fox & Sons Ltd

By Angus Townley
Isle of Axholme Brewery - Crowle Advertiser August 8, 1891

Isle of Axholme Brewery – Crowle Advertiser August 8, 1891


The Brewery was founded in 1856 by Peter Tune and built in 1862 [According to Brewery adverts].

Peter Tune was also a partner of Johnson & Tune who had the Trentside Brewery in Gainsborough.

Peter and Thomas also had a Brick and Tile works which was on the right, two to three hundred yards past the brewery on Brewery road.

The brewery, and various properties,  were bought from the Executors of Thomas Tune on October 1st 1892, by James Fox & Sons of Barnsley for £21,750. The complete list can be found here.

Info about James Fox can be found here

Private company registered in July 1917.

In 1949, the brewery, together with 40 licensed premises was purchased by the Barnsley Brewery.

Fox’s was located on Brewery Road on the North Side of Crowle. The site is now Fox Court.

1868 Post Office Directory Tune Peter & Son, ale & porter brewers, Isle of Axholme, & Marshland Brewery




Sale notice Goole Weekly Times October 1884      



To be sold by Auction by Mr. Thomas Fish at the Cross Keys Hotel, Crowle on Monday, the 10th day of November,1884, at 7 o’clock in the Evening, under powers of Sale contained in a Deed dated the 2nd October, 1868, subject to a prior Mortgage for securing £2000 and interest dated 1st October 1868, and also subject to conditions to be then and there read,

all that Old established and well accustomed FOURTEEN_QUARTER BREWERY Known by the name of the “ISLE OF AXHOLME and MARSHLAND BREWERY”, situate at the North End of Crowle aforesaid, now in full working order, and doing a very extensive business,with the Brewhouses, Maltkilns, Storerooms, Granaries,Stables, eight newly- erected Cottages or Tenements, Out offices and other Buildings, and Croft of Rich Land thereto adjoining and belonging containing in the whole, with the site of the Buildings 4a. 0r. 32p. ( more or less );
And also all those several Closes of superior WARP LAND, situate and being on Eastoft Moors, in the Parish of Crowle aforesaid ( ???? ) in a ring fence, containing in the whole by size 27a. 0r. 36p. ( more or less ). and now or late in the possession of Mr. Thomas Tune.

Further particulars may known on application at the Offices of Mr. T.H. CAHNOCHAN October 13th 1884 Crowle

1910 Tax Assessment

Situation: Clay Pits
Description: Brewery, Farm Buildings & Land
Occupier: Fox & Son
Owner:  Ditto
Former Sales: Oct 1892
Particulars: Built 1869. Practically no additions. Property only in moderate repair. Plant out of date. Planning of Brewery inconvenient.Situated in small country town of Crowle. 1/4 mile AJ Railway Station and 2 miles from Crowle GCR station. Plenty of room for extension. Farm buildings used by Fox & Son in connection with land. Uses own water.
A: Brick & tile. 2 span shedding. Beer storage, small office building
B, C, D: Clerks Office, Manager’s Office, Brewery Office, Cellars, Fermenting Room, ?Room, Beer Store, Copper Room, Brick & Tile. Old fair repair
E: Brick & Tile Coopers Shop. Poor repair
F: Brick & Tile. Engine House, Pumping Room, Hop & Malt Rooms,  also Chaffing Room and Fodder store.
G: Brick & Tile. Poor repair. Bottle Store & Bottle Washing room.
H: Chimney. 60ft high. Good repair. 6′ x 6′ at base.
I: Coals store inc. copper room. Good repair. Paint new.
Farm Buildings: Granary stores, Various stables, Pig sties & yard, Chicken Sheds, Duck Sheds all Brick & Tile and in fair repair.


Peter bought the Number 1 burial plot in the new cemertery on Mill Road. This is the first plot on the right of the central walkway, a double plot in which lies Peter, died 1869, his wife, Mabel, died 1890, Thomas, died 1888, Thomas’s wife Rebecca, died 1873, about a year after they married, and with a memorial to son George, who died 1891 in Australia.