Category: History

January 1, 1970

General History of Crowle

From Read’s History of the Isle of Axholme. 1858. After descending the downland lawns, and passing through the fertile plain called Belton Field, the traveler enters a similar tract of land, where the town of Crul, Croule, or Crowle, stands close to one of the branches of the southern Don. The word Crowle is probably a corruption of the Dutch word Krol, which signifies a […]

January 1, 1970

HIrst Priory and School – 1949-1952

Hello. I lived at Hirst Priory from 1949 to 1952. My father was the chauffeur my mother the housekeeper to the Stubley family who lived there. We moved to Crowle with them when they left Wakefield. They had a daughter, known to me as Miss Bobby. I do not know just how old she was. As a 6 year old everyone was ancient! I attended […]

January 1, 1970

Manuscript in the Red Box

Publisher’s Note The author may, perhaps, ask why the publisher did not wait longer for him to reveal himself. The reason was that it appeared that the interest aroused in this foundling romance, through the author’s modesty or carelessness, would be best maintained by publication while the incidents were still fresh in the minds of the public. The publisher holds that what is the author’s […]