January 1, 1970

Proud to be a Staniforth. Or The advantage of being an Axholme man.

Hannah Stanniforth aged 33 married John Everatt aged 39 in 1857. According to family tradition,(my mother and aunts) an arranged marriage. I have always felt proud of my 12.5% Everatt genes and totally neglected the 12.5% Stanniforth ones. Looking at John Everatt’s career, the reason is obvious, 1841 age 22, agricultural labourer, 1851 age 32, farmer 6 acres, 1861 age 42, farmer 50 acres, 1881 […]

January 1, 1970

Crowle Bowls Club

Crowle Bowls club meet at their green on Church Lane. Church Lane is a footpath that runs between Cross Street and Church Street. You will need to find on-street parking on either of these two roads. View Larger Map

January 1, 1970

Early Goldthorpe spellings in the Kirkburton Registers.

Early Goldthorpe spellings in the Kirkburton Registers. Originally the parish of the kirk (church) at Burton 1540 to January 15th 1654. www.archive.org/details/parishregisterso01kirk Parish clerks were only partly literate, word spellings not finalised and they often just wrote down what they heard. In fact a surname can be spelt two different ways in the same sentence. Browsing the family histories which intertwine on the red1st.com website, […]

January 1, 1970

Manuscript in the Red Box

Publisher’s Note The author may, perhaps, ask why the publisher did not wait longer for him to reveal himself. The reason was that it appeared that the interest aroused in this foundling romance, through the author’s modesty or carelessness, would be best maintained by publication while the incidents were still fresh in the minds of the public. The publisher holds that what is the author’s […]

January 1, 1970

Snowdrop Villa, Wharf Road.

Snowdrop Villa, Wharf Road – Bill Goldthorp   Old Ordnance Survey Map overlaid over current aerial view. A. Snowdrop Villa. B. Fold yard and farm buildings. C. Stack Yard. This farm and much of its land disappeared under a housing development sometime in the 1980s. It was opposite numbers 44 and 46 Avondale, Wharf Road, the latter being a large double fronted semidetached that my […]

January 1, 1970

Crowle Charities

Crowle. Thomas Walkwood, 1692, surrendered five acres and 20 perches of land, lying in Ealand and Crowle field, with a messuage wherein he dwelt, with orchards, stables and building in Crowle North End to the minister and church wardens for the use of the poor for ever. Also 2 acres, 1 rood and 20 perches in Crowle field, the yearly rent for the teaching and […]

January 1, 1970

Hatfield Chase Corporation

http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/mss/collections/water/collections/hatfield-chase.phtml Hatfield Chase Corporation, 1538-1973 (HCC and R/HCC) * History o Origins, 1626-1629 o Unrest in the 17th-18th centuries o Improvements up to 1862 o The Hatfield Chase Corporation, 1862-1941 o History of the authority after 1941 * Records History Origins, 1626-1629 The Hatfield Chase Corporation was an independent drainage authority covering parts of South Yorkshire, North Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. The origins of the Corporation […]