October 8, 2017

Crowle Parish Church Faculties – As indexed at Lincoln Archives

By angus
Date Description Reference
3 July 1754 Seat for Ann Cowley and Susannah Frogatt. DIOC/FB/1/131
1770 To appropriate a seat Faculties 11, 70, Citation 5
21st March 1785 Church Faculties 4, 13
4th September 1792 Church (North Aisle) Faculties 4, 40
1784 To appropriate a seat Faculties 10, 20, Box 79
1773 To appropriate a seat Faculties 10, 26, Box 77
1812 To appropriate a seat Faculties 11, 102, Box 84
19 Jan 1884 To restore and reseat church Faculty Book 9 36
1883 The Restoration of the Parish Church. A proposal to: remove Gallery with seats therein; to refloor and reseat Nave, Aisles and Chancel; To take down rook of North aisle and reroof the same; To insert new Nave arch; To open out blocked-up clerestory windows; to build new aisle to chancel; to remove organ and refit the same at the side of the new Chancel Aisle; To provide new three-light windows and a new North Door t said new aisle; to build a new arch n the East wall of the North Aisle; To block up the wood loft door; to make division of Nave and Chancel by means of new Threshold under Chancel Arch.; to remove font to bottom of Nave; to refit Reading desk under Chancel Arch; To remove Pulpit to North Pier of Chancel Arch; To strengthen Tower of Church;To restore defective masonry, iron, woodwork and glazing throughout; To provide proper heating, drainage and ventilation of Church; increasing number of sitting to three hundred and ninety. FACULTY PAPERS/1883/2
1884 The enlargement of the vestry of the Parish Church; A proposal to take down the North West of the Vestry and rebuild in line with the North West of the Church FACULTY PAPERS/1884/6
1889 Erection of two stained glass windows. A proposal to erect on the South Aisle of the Nave of the church, two stained glass windows designed by C.E. Kempe of London in place of two old windows there situate. FACULTY PAPERS/1889/6
9 Nov 1899 To pull down cottage DIOC/FB/11/139
10 June 1901 Sequestration: Crowle. John Swan Sequestrator DIOC/FB/11/285
06 August 1903 Replacement of the Porch on the South side of the church, forming an entrance into the Nave. (With a badly faded postcard and an oversize sketch plan filed separately). DIOC/FAC PAPERS/1903/11
1915 DIOC/FAC PAPERS/1915/3
25 November 1927 Installation of oak paneling in the sanctuary (with sketch plan) DIOC/FAC PAPERS/1927/43
10 October 1932 Works to Church – Enlargement of the Altar with carved and decorated standards at each end and Riddel Rods & curtains; removal and refitting of Altar rails with kneelers for communicants; replacement of chancel seats; erection of a carved and decorated screen to replace the vestry curtains; removal of seating at the East End to make room for an Altar with reredos, Cross with Candlesticks; Removal of the Pulpit, replacing it with a new one; erection of a chancel screen; insertion of carved and gilded bosses in the wooden ceiling (with various blueprints). DIOC/FAC PAPERS/1932/Not numbered